剣筆 特別寄稿 剣道との再会

KENPITSU Special contribution Rediscovering kendo

剣道との再会/Rediscovering kendo

駐日英国大使 ティム・ヒッチンズ/British Ambassador to Japan Tim Hitchens

駐日英国大使 ティム・ヒッチンズ


We are perhaps better defined by the sports we play than the work we do. I have spent over thirty years working as a British diplomat, posted to places as diverse as Paris, Tokyo, Pakistan and Afghanistan. I was brought up in Britain, Australia and Singapore, and spent much of my teenage life in Japan. So I have seen many different ways in which the people of the world express themselves through the sports they choose to play.


In France, the iconic sport is cycling ? in particular the tour de France. This is a great race which traces the geographical wonder of France, from the cold plains of the north, up the shattering and beautiful Alpine roads, down to the heat and fragrance of Provence. The whole culture of France is present in the race; and the fact that the race is this year starting in Yorkshire, England, is an excellent symbol of the internationalisation of this great French tradition.


In Afghanistan, sports are wilder, and nearer the tribal history of the country. I have seen the savage and bewitching horseback game, probably the origins of what is now polo, in which horseback participants compete with each other to snatch an animal’s head and ride it over the winning line.


In Pakistan, the national game is cricket, that export from Britain in which former colonies now tend to rule the international game. Cricket is a game designed by English gentlemen,  lasting several days and with fiercely complicated rules, but which has evolved as it has been transplanted into Australasia, Africa and South Asia.


So as a British person coming to live and work in Japan, I am as interested in pastimes as I am in professional subjects. I recognise in myself a product of a British background.  There is a British phrase which describes us this way: “the British treat life as a game, but they treat games as their life.” In other words, we try not to take work too seriously; but we take our sports very seriously ? perhaps too seriously.


I have always enjoyed sports. Tennis, squash, rugby, golf, cycling, cricket, hockey. As an Ambassador I have less time for sports than I would like, but some of my most enjoyable experiences have been linked to sports. Wonderful Sunday mornings on golf courses with a view of Mount Fuji. Playing cricket against a Tohoku team in Minamisoma (actually, at the Minamisoma baseball ground). Playing rugby at the Chichiby National Rugby stadium. Playing early morning tennis in Hakone, surrounded by greenery. Swimming in Lake Nojiri in Nagano Ken.


Each of these has been exhilarating and enjoyable. But in this article I wanted to explain my fascination with something which is more than a sport ? kendo. And something which expresses my enduring connection with this wonderful country.

森 喜朗元総理は、誰もが知るように、ラグビーの熱烈な愛好家だ。私は運良く、日本が香港を破りアジアカップを得て2015年の英国でのラグビーワールドカップの出場権を得た、5月の国立競技場に彼と居合わせた。ラグビーワールドカップは、オリンピックとサッカーワールドカップの後の第3番目に大きな国際スポーツ行事である。英国と日本は、英国での2012年のオリンピックの経験が2020年の東京でのオリンピックとパラリンピックの実施に役立つよう、特に緊密に連携し合っている。そして同時に、2019年のラグビーワールドカップを主催予定の東京と我々は、2015年の英国でのラグビーワールドカップの経験を共有すべく緊密に連携し合っているところである。日本のファンにとって、その年に世界の最高のラグビー選手を見ることは、素晴らしい経験となることと思う。

Former Prime Minister Mori is, as everyone knows, passionate about rugby. I was lucky enough to be with him at the National Stadium in May as Japan beat Hong Kong to win the Asian cup and qualify for the Rugby World Cup in England in 2015. The Rugby World Cup is the third biggest international sporting event after the Olympics and the Football World Cup. Britain and Japan are working particularly closely together so that our experience of London 2012 can be shared with those organising the Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo in 2020; and at the same time we are working closely to share our experience of England Rugby 2015 with Tokyo, which is hosting the Rugby World Cup in 2019. It will be a wonderful experience for Japanese fans to see the greatest rugby players in the world in Tokyo that year.


Mr Mori described life to me as “more like a rugby ball than a football”. With a football, you see the trajectory and can predict how the ball will bounce. With a rugby ball, with its distinctive shape, it can bounce at very unpredictable angles. Mr Mori’s own life has involved some unpredicted bounces. And mine has been exactly the same experience.


When I was in Japan as a student, my mother taught English at the Ministry of Labour. Among her bright young students was a young man called Hamada Naoki. He was kind to my mother and me; and when, later, I was in Japan alone, he and I enjoyed a wonderful week’s long trip to Hokkaido, travelling as far north as Rebun and Risshiri Islands. He was passionate about kendo, and took me to an early morning kendo lesson he was holding at a local Tokyo school. When I was appointed a young diplomat, he was again very kind to me.


But as often happens, our lives bounced in different directions. We lost touch. And though I often thought of Hamada san, I had no way of knowing what had happened to him.


When I arrived in Japan as British Ambassador in December 2012, I began my early series of calls on senior cabinet ministers. I was lucky enough to call on Minister Tamura, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. At the end of the call I asked one of Minister Tamura’s aides if he knew a former Ministry official called Hamada Naoki. To my amazement, he said he was working in the floor above. The rugby ball of fate had bounced back in my direction, straight into my hands!


Hamada san and I soon made contact again. It turned out that he was on the point of reaching the age of sixty, and leaving public service. He had been wondering for some time what he should do. Would I, he asked, be interested in learning kendo?


This was a wonderful surprise. I remembered the kendo I had seen at the school more than 30 years before, early in the morning with him. I knew that this was more than a sport, and that it would allow me to gain some insight into Japan and the Japanese spirit ? something which is absolutely central to a diplomat’s job. I knew it would involve a commitment of time. I also recognised that, since I was starting something brand new at the age of 50, I could not expect to reach the upper ranks. I was always going to be a learner. But the more I read and understood, the more I realised that this itself was exactly the point; kendo is not something you master, but something you are always on the road towards.


I have since those early days practised just about every week. For the most part, I have done so in the ballroom of the Ambassador's Residence every Saturday morning, rolling up the elegant carpet to expose the wooden floor below, and taking great care not to hit the chandelier with my shinai or bokken. If the weather is very good, Hamada sensei and I go out into the garden and undertake keiko on the wide lawn. The feel of freshly cut grass under your feet is wonderful. I need to overcome my reticence at shouting loudly outside, fearing what the neighbours may think.

さらに、私には、大変、親切に受け入れていただいている二組の友人たちがいる。巣鴨の三菱道場と中野区の小澤 博先生の道場の会員の皆さんである。これら先生方と友人達のお陰で、一級と先般、初段にどうにか合格することができた。審査において背の高い、銀髪の外国人と手合わせることになり、鮮やかでしっかりした面を打つことが難しかったであろう若い学生たちに感謝しなければなるまい。

And I have also been very graciously welcomed by two sets of friends ? the members of the Mitsubishi dojo in Sugamo and the dojo of Ozawa Hiroshi Sensei. With the help of my friends and teachers, I have managed to pass both Ikkyu and Shodan. I should express my gratitude to the young students who found themselves matched  against a tall white haired foreigner during the examination day, and who found it difficult to reach up to a clean and strong shomen strike during our bouts.


So what have I learned from my kendo training so far/


First, that it is very good to try something new and difficult, and the older you are the better it is. As we get more senior and responsible, we can become reluctant to do things we are not confident in, for fear of looking ineffective or inexperienced. Learning Kendo in your fifties teaches great humility. Whenever anyone flatters me for my diplomacy at work, I think “but you should see quite how much I still have to learn at the dojo.”


Second, kendo is a window into the Japanese soul. The reverence showed to the kamidana is central to kendo, as is the reverence showed to authority in Japan.  The great religion of Islam means, literally, “submission”, and in the same way kendo teaches us to submit to something greater than ourselves.


Third, I have found it very difficult, but very important, to shout during a bout. I have been naturally rather reserved and British; shouting is something I have avoided. So the requirement to raise my voice, and express something quite deep and animal within me, hasn’t come easily. I still have some way to go to learn to connect that primitive part of myself with the sophistication of the kendo spirit.


And finally, I have really enjoyed a philosophy in which you thank your adversary when he beats you, because he has helpfully exposed a weakness in your approach which you can now address. We are often defensive if we are criticised or our weakness is exposed; I have found it very helpful to have to welcome and encourage criticism. As an Ambassador I often find people think I must be above criticism; yet what I need, to be an even better Ambassador, is precisely that constructive criticism, which shows me where I have more to learn.


As I say, I still have a very long way to go. There are weeks when I feel I have made more steps backwards than forwards. My teacher tells me that, when I am in a kendo bout, I should imagine myself just at a precipice behind me, and that whatever I do I must move forward, or sidewards, but never backwards. That seems like a very wise philosophy.


And it also seems a good way for Japan to see herself. Not slipping backwards, or shrinking, but always moving forward, confident, learning from mistakes ? and feeling confident that, whatever one’s age, one can learn and begin to master.



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